Strength. Courage. Hope. Resilience. These are the things we hold onto when life presents us with adversity. And for the last two years our lives have drifted off course and been filled with various levels of hardship—some major and some minor. All the things we took for granted—our income, our health and that of our family, vacations, family gatherings, dining out with friends, school, work, and even getting a haircut—were changed. These are things we counted on as normal before 2019, before COVID-19 and its variants, and before the tragedies that ensued.
You don’t necessarily see adversity looming on the horizon. It comes in many forms and seemingly just lands in your lap, and you are often unprepared. When this happens, how do you feel? Defeated? Depressed? Overwhelmed? Probably, for a while. Often when you’re in the thick of a stressful situation, it feels like it will never ease up. But, then it does. If you are resilient, you make a plan and work towards making a tough situation better. And then you try to improve that situation even more. That’s what courage, hard work, and hope can accomplish. And “better” can be achieved through baby steps or great strides.
How many times have you bounced back from a serious challenge in your life? In the life of your loved one? It’s different for us all. But nonetheless, you know that whatever the situation, it will eventually be resolved. You get back on solid ground ready to meet the next challenge. Be proud of how you have met and dealt with adversity. Don’t be defeated by challenges you did not “win.” The fact that you continue to meet adversity head on is what counts.
Helping families bounce back is what NAMI Franklin County does. Through our education programs, support groups, and advocacy we offer families and those with lived experience the tools and hope needed to meet the challenges they so often face. Give us a call. We’re here to help (614-501-6264).
Karen Cousins, Program Manager